Tickets Radical Amazement, Cacao Ceremony & Energy Work in Zoom Live

Tickets for Radical Amazement Cacao Ceremony & Energy Work 11.04.21 in Zoom Live, Zoom

Sunday 11.04.21
Entrance: 17:00 Uhr, Start: 17:00 Uhr
Zoom, , Zoom Live

Tickets for Radical Amazement Zoom Live



Need a little more EUPHORIA!? Join this  circle of magical togetherness and enhance your sense of CREATIVITY!

Katrin Hahner, (also known as Kenichi & The Sun) is a sonic and visual artist, an agent of radical amazement and a Master Dreamer! She's an old friend of the hotel and in recent years has begun holding Cacao Ceremonies. 

Ceremonial Cacao is a powerful plant medicine spirit which helps us to reconnect the brain with the heart center and helps us remember who we actually are and what we want to contribute to this life.

The physical benefits of deep relaxation and increased focus induce a meditative state that helps us become increasingly competent to navigate life with joy, compassion, courage and in co-creation with our fellow humans and our environment. 

Katrin combines elements of her visual and musical art in her ceremonies, and we're so pleased to be hosting one together with her! 

This is a special time and we can deepen our connection with our community wide and far. In this ceremony we will focus on CREATIVITY & INTUITION

Opening our system up to receive and perceive!  

Join us on ZOOM! 

>> We send you a single serving of cacao to your home before the ceremony so you can prepare a mug of the delicious elixir. 

>> You´ll receive a PDF with preparation instructions and ZOOM access with your ticket purchase. 

>> To make sure your cacao arrives in time, please sign up before April 6th! 

If you already have cacao at home or wish to order more, please choose the „without cacao“ option. 


Date: Sunday 11 Apr 2021, 5:00pm - 7:30pm

Exchange: if you already have cacao at home : 30EUR // if you want us to send you a single serve for the ceremony : 35EUR

(If you need Cacao, please register until Apr 6th)


Below some testimonials... 

"Katrin's ceremonies are unique. Her curation of sacred space is immaculate and totally authentic. Her holding of space is unlike any I have experienced. Her respect for the medicine is at the core of her work, I highly recommend her ceremonial work, a powerful but gentle heart opening that stays with you for weeks.“

„ WOW! Thank you so much. I feel high/relaxed/happy/tired and energetic all at the same time. So crazy and so powerful.“

"A genuine energy shifting experience, cacao spirit combined with the inspiring magical voice and wisdom of the hostess transported me to an inner trip through the universe of the soul and beyond!“


In Katrin's words: "The eternal knowledge of the universe and all things and beings is contained in every thing and every one. Through creating a circle and connecting the energies and focusing the intentions, we open up a door to access this eternal knowledge. Together we are medicine."

We hope you'll join us!